In our times, people often look at the past and wonder if the ones that learned in it were same. They don"t realize we are making the same mistake in our own times. I"m glad there are artists who are showing us that.
Posted By: Andres Fermin
The contrast is very powerull, and everything makes sense. It takes a lot of courage and strength to show what is shoen in this exposition. To be able to show such personal humanity and at the same time such keen perspective of the world of war today is very overwhelming and at the same time admirable. You"re an example.
Posted By: Raimundo Gonzalez Diaz
This is a very powerful message which spoke to my soul. Thank you! Keep it up
Posted By: Christian Louis
The exhibit is about to choose war over peace. War I think is to handle a conflict in a visions way. Peace I think is to handle a conflict with out doint something to hurt people in general.
Posted By: Alexa Curiel
Thank you! I came today not same what I would find. Looking at your work, I felt hopeful" I felt like crying, knowing that art, color, texture and love can and do make a difference. Life, my life, your life, are elaborate canvases- creation is beautiful- it is the only way through.
Posted By: Carlos Gonzalez
Today"s experience shook my soul. It let me w/ so many different emotions. Most of all, I left here knowing that peace is the way. We must instill this in our children because children are not born to hate, but raised to hate.
Posted By: Maribel Gonzalez
Your exhibit is full of emotional expression of what war brings to humanity- I can feel the anger in the colors and the forgiveness as well. The texture the bleeding colors! The suffering, the hell, the destruction. I thank you for your expression to the world from your perspective.
Posted By: Maggie Poppell
This is a powerful and important demonstration of self-expression for world peace. I find it to be enlightening and essential. I love art and this exhibit is wonderful.
Posted By: Brian Fernandez
Huong, what good fortune I had to read is the paper and come to your exhibit! It is a visual of the words of Gandhi. Your agony of recall has borne a most meaningful exhibit.
Posted By: Susan Kalloch
This is one of the highlights of my life to see and understand your work. You have a mission in life that will touch the world. God bless you!
Posted By: Lil Johnson
Extremely moving"so much beauty and so much pain. Thank you for the opportunity.
Posted By: Beth Heister
The most powerfully depicted rendition of one"s soul that has ever crossed my path. The journey through the exhibit was perfectly laid out to make your statement.
Posted By: Anonymous
Unreal! I left speechless. PEACE
Posted By: Jeff Accetta
Makes you wonder why we kill for peace? Do you know why? I don"t. Best art exhibit ever. I am speechless!
Posted By: Rich Bowen
A war once experienced, has memories forever
Posted By: Dorice & Jim Brock
Beyond words! Thank you
Posted By: Ellen Barnhart
I am moved to tears"but there is also hope in my heart"that the average person will walk in off the street and be forever changed- I am moving here in August- I am a teacher, an artist, and an activist- I would like to volunteer my skills and dedication in any way possible- thank you for touching me
Posted By: Trisha Halverson
The war room brought tears to my eyes & sadness to my heart. I am of the Vietnam generation & fear the present war for my own two sons. I wanted to sweep you up in my arms & take away the pain, so powerful- I’m sorry I missed meeting you. John walked me through your life’s work and all I can say is how happy I am that you found love & happiness. No one should go through such pain- But god watches out & brings you home to peace. As a fellow artist, I salute you- I am awed, I am speechless, I am moved beyond words.
Posted By: Meg Winter
You made me cry. That"s a good thing. I love art!
Posted By: William Adams
It was a great site to see someone with so much passion for peace. It was a pleasant surprise to see these paintings. In a day when there is so much violence in the world, it’s important to remember to stay peaceful
Posted By: Adam Hassan - Chesterfield, MO
What an explosion of emotion, texture, pain, and beauty! How amazing of a body of work is assembled in this gallery! At first, I was drawn in by the colors and composition, but drawn in further by the most important of subjects- Peace. It is so wonderful to see an artist fully on purpose in this life, to see such beauty and triumph of spirit. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to partake in this magic. So inspiring is the exhibit, you want to run from the building exulting the virtues of peace and love. My very best wishes in all that you undertake. Thank you Thank you. Peace on earth xoxo
Posted By: Holly Blanton
Powerful, bold…the truth. Let peace be a way of life for future generations.
Posted By: Guy Beckles
Fantastically striking!!!
Posted By: Dawn Furgest
Excellent, keep up the programs for kids.
Posted By: Kevin Baker - Jacksonville, FL
I was and still is very impressed with the art work & it"s expressions. This is very good work and I heard & understand every word it was and still is saying! The God I serve has agreed with each art expression so therefore we must serve the same God. Bless you & Peace be still
Posted By: Stephen B. Brooks - Jacksonville, FL
This is united mafia art crap. Sell outs!
Posted By: No Name Guest - Jacksonville, FL
I have been so impressed artistically and with awareness by your masterpieces. Stay strong in your gift. You have not only informed but inspired so many
Posted By: Maria Perry - Jacksonville, FL
An eye opening and much reached exhibit. Beautiful.
Posted By: Jackson Ash - Jacksonville, FL
Your talent exceeds beyond words. I’m in awe of your work. Excellent- Must see show!
Posted By: Carol Buchalter
“The exhibit is about to choose war over peace. War I think is to handle a conflict in a visions way. Peace I think is to handle a conflict without doing something to hurt people in general.”
Posted By: Alexa Curiel, ~ Miami, FL